To preserve a monopoly, it is important to keep potential rivals out of the market by setting barriers to entry. Barriers to entry can make a market less contestable.
Ownership of Scarce Raw Materials
If a firm has an exclusive ownership over a scarce resource, it has monopoly power over the source and only the firm can exploit it. For example, Microsoft owns the windows operating system brand.
A government gives or provides a firm/company the sole rights to supply a product, which is copyrighted. Patents and copyright serve the purpose of protecting companies innovations that have been expensive to research and develop. Preventing other firms to produce the same item.
Advertising and Marketing
Established firms may use advertising as a barrier showing customers and consumers that their product is slightly different from the competitors hence making those new competitors hard to gain acceptance. For example, cars - Audi and BMW. Both competitors will keep inventing new cars and advertise. Audi TT is known for its speed whereas BMW is know for comfort and safety. They will keep coming up with new ideas and creativity to get the customer's attention.

Various types of barriers to entry serves one same purpose which is to make sure their profit will not be jeopardized by other companies. With barriers to entries, firms will not need to worry if another firm might produce a same product.